Panamanian Naturalization

Obtaining the Panamanian citizenship by Naturalization is one of Panama’s most common ways to become a national.

Panamanian Naturalization

Obtaining Panamanian citizenship through naturalization is a common pathway for individuals seeking to become nationals of Panama. According to Article 10 of the Panamanian Constitution, an individual must have lived in Panama as a permanent resident for a certain number of years to be eligible for naturalization.

Many foreign nationals pursue permanent residency with the primary goal of eventually applying for citizenship. To be eligible, an applicant must lawfully maintain permanent resident status and meet other requirements, such as integrating into Panamanian society and culture.

The Panamanian Constitution provides three pathways to citizenship:

  1. At least five (5) consecutive years of permanent residency.
  2. Three (3) years of permanent residency for those married to a Panamanian national or having Panamanian children with a Panamanian parent.
  3. Citizens of Latin American countries or Spain, who meet the same requirements as Panamanians would in their country of origin (Reciprocity), with shorter residency requirements:
    • 1 year: Colombia, El Salvador
    • 2 years: Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru
    • 3 years: Uruguay

The naturalization process involves several entities, including the Ministry of Government and Justice, Ministry of Public Services, Civil Registry, Government Office, and the Presidency. Applications undergo multiple reviews and verifications, and additional paperwork may be required, potentially causing delays or, in the worst case, denial of the application. Ultimately, the Panamanian president signs all applications, and the entire process can take from 2 to 5 years.

Application Requirements:

  • Police record issued by Panamanian authorities
  • Certification of Immigration Status
  • Authenticated copy of permanent resident ID card (e-cedula)
  • Proof of economic solvency (bank reference letter or work contract)
  • Copy of passport, authenticated by the embassy/consulate of the country of origin in Panama
  • Certificate of good health
  • Proof of registration with the Panamanian fiscal authority (DGI)
  • Sworn declaration regarding the renunciation of any other citizenship(s)
  • Application form
  • Test of knowledge of Panama’s history, geography, civil rights, and Spanish language proficiency

A common question from applicants is whether they need to renounce other citizenships. While applicants must declare in writing their commitment to abide by the Constitution of the Republic of Panama and renounce civil and political ties to their country of origin, many judicial systems consider the original nationality to remain unless an official renunciation is filed.

There are numerous benefits to acquiring Panamanian nationality, including:

  • Access to professional careers reserved for Panamanian citizens
  • The security of having an additional passport as a safety net in an unstable global political and economic context
  • Few travel restrictions
  • The honor of becoming Panamanian and belonging to one of the greatest nations in the world
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 Citizenship through reciprocity Applicable to citizens of foreign countries that have signed a reciprocity agreement with Panama (for example, some Latin American countries).
 Minimum age for citizenship applications 18 years, unless the parent/adoptive parent makes an application for a minor child.
 Citizenship for dependents who join the permit holder in PanamaSubject to individual application.
 Citizenship for foreign nationals married to a Panama citizen After living at least 3 years as a permanent resident married to a Panama citizen or being the parent of a Panamanian child (when the other parent is Panamanian).
 Citizenship application documents Permanent resident card, police records, proof of economic means (income statement, other documents), medical certificates, passport copy. Some of these documents are presented in authenticated copies (our team can give you details).
 Costs to expectIncluded in the overall costs for obtaining Panamanian citizenship are those related to the immigration application and those for the authorized copies/translations of documents.
Citizenship applications processing department The Panamien National Immigration Service
 Processing time 1 year or more
 Objection to the citizenship application decision The applicant may reevaluate the submission (and reapply) with the help of our team.
 Dual citizenship permitted No


Conditions for Citizenship by Naturalization in Panama

A foreign national seeking citizenship by naturalization in Panama must meet specific residency requirements. Generally, an individual must reside in Panama for at least 5 years before submitting an application with the Panama Immigration Office. In some cases, the required residency period may be reduced to 3 years.

Throughout the residency period, it is essential to hold a temporary residence permit, which must be renewed as needed, followed by obtaining a permanent residence permit. Citizenship is granted based on the previously acquired status of permanent resident.

Foreign nationals who marry a Panamanian citizen or have Panamanian children with a Panamanian parent during their lawful temporary residence in Panama may be eligible for the reduced residency period required for naturalization.

Panama has several Reciprocity Agreements with other Latin American countries and Spain. These agreements allow citizens of these countries to benefit from a shorter naturalization period. If you are a citizen of Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain, or other eligible countries, it is advisable to contact our team for assistance in obtaining residency and subsequently citizenship in Panama.