Panama Temporary Residence Permits for Labor Purposes

Temporary Residence Permits


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Panama Temporary Residence Permits for Labor Purposes
Article 67 of the Decree Law has introduced new temporary residence permits for specific labor categories that can be renewed annually for a total of six (6) years.
There are seven categories available for the Panama Temporary Residency Visa:
1. Foreign Personnel Hired by the National Government or Autonomous or Semi-Autonomous Companies
Foreigners entering Panama to provide services as personnel hired by the national government or autonomous or semi-autonomous companies are eligible to apply for this visa.
In addition to the common requirements specified in Article 28 of the Decree Law, the applicant must submit the following documents:
• Employment contract endorsed by the General Finance Office of the Republic of Panama or copies of the Official Gazette where the published contract appears.
• Proof of affiliation with the Social Security Administration (CSS) along with a copy of the social security card.
To apply for an extension of this visa, in addition to the requirements mentioned in the previous article, the following documents must be submitted:
• Certification from the CSS showing the payment of nine (9) consecutive contributions.
• Completed checkbook issued by the State.
• Employment letter issued by the General Finance Office of the Republic of Panama or the government agency responsible for payment.
• National clearance certificate of income tax for the applicant.
2. Foreign Personnel Hired by Small Businesses Contracting with the Government
Foreigners entering Panama to provide specific services for a business that has a contract with the government can apply for this visa. The residence permits can be extended annually as long as the contract remains valid, for a maximum of six (6) years.
The hiring of these foreigners should comply with the established percentage of foreign workers in this regulation, which is less than 10% for ordinary workers and less than 15% for specialists.
Only requests from businesses with a direct contract with the government are accepted under this subcategory. Requests from subcontracted businesses will not be accepted. In cases where certain positions or professions are reserved by law for citizens or subject to special laws, compliance with those norms and the necessary authorizations is required.
In addition to the common requirements specified in Article 28 of the Decree Law, the applicant must submit the following documents:
• Copies of the contract between the business and the government agency.
• Letter of responsibility from the business specifying the position held by the applicant and the salary.
• Copies of the business operation notice.
• Work permit and a copy of the work permit card.
• Proof of affiliation with the Social Security Administration (CSS) along with a copy of the social security card.
• Copies of the business registration recorded in the Public Registry.
To apply for an extension, in addition to the requirements mentioned in the previous article, the applicant must provide the following documents:
• Certification from the CSS showing the payment of nine (9) consecutive contributions.
• National clearance certificate of income tax for the applicant.
3. Foreign Personnel Hired as Executives for a Business in the Colon Free Zone
Foreigners entering Panama with executive, management, or specialized technical positions in businesses authorized to operate in the Colon Free Zone, with a salary of at least $2,000 USD per month, can apply for the Panama Temporary Residency Visa.
In addition to the common requirements specified in Article 28 of the Decree Law, the applicant must submit the following documents:
• Panama work permit and a copy of the work permit card.
• Letter of responsibility from the business, detailing the responsibilities and salary of the applicant.
• Proof of affiliation with the Social Security Administration (CSS) (for the initial request).
• Certification from the Colon Free Zone, demonstrating the involvement of the applicant's company in the zone and requesting the issuance of a temporary visitor permit. The certification should include the following:
a. Existence of a contract between the business and the foreigner. b. Suitability or specialization of the executive. c. Existence of the business and its key operations. d. CSS clearance certificate. e. Clearance certificate from the Colon Free Zone for the business.
To apply for extensions, in addition to the requirements mentioned in the previous article, the applicant must submit the following documents:
• Certification from the CSS showing the payment of nine (9) consecutive contributions.
• National clearance certificate of income tax for the applicant.
4. Foreign Personnel Hired by Private Companies within the 10% Foreigner Allowance of the Total Labor Force
Foreigners entering Panama hired by a private enterprise, with a salary of at least $850 USD per month, can apply for the Panama Temporary Residency Visa.
In addition to the common requirements specified in Article 28 of the Decree Law, the applicant must submit the following documents:
• Employment contract endorsed by the Department of Labor and Labor Development.
• Letter of responsibility from the business, specifying the responsibilities and salary, signed by the legal representative.
• Copies of the business license.
• Copies of the business registration recorded in the Public Registry.
• Copy of the work permit.
• Proof of affiliation with the Social Security Administration (CSS) along with a copy of the social security card (for the initial request).
• National clearance certificate of income tax for the business.
To apply for an extension, in addition to the requirements mentioned in the previous article, the applicant must provide the following documents:
• Certification from the CSS showing the payment of nine (9) consecutive contributions.
• National clearance certificate of income tax for the applicant.
5. Foreign Personnel Hired by Private Companies within the 15% Foreigner Allowance of the Total Labor Force
Foreigners entering Panama hired by a private enterprise, with a salary of at least $850 USD per month, can apply for the Panama