Immigration for South African Expats to Panama

Panama presents a compelling option for South Africans seeking a new beginning, offering not just a change of scenery but a favorable environment for professional, financial, and personal growth.

Immigration for South African Expats to Panama


Here's some information about immigration for South African expats interested in moving to Panama:

Panama is an increasingly popular destination for expats from around the world, including South Africa. Known for its tropical climate, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant culture, Panama offers a variety of opportunities for those looking to start a new life abroad.

Immigration Process:

  1. Visa Options: South African expats interested in moving to Panama will need to obtain the appropriate visa to legally reside and work in the country. Panama offers several visa options, including the Pensionado Visa, the Friendly Nations Visa, and the Self Economic Solvency Visa.
  2. Pensionado Visa: This visa is ideal for retirees and individuals who can prove a monthly pension income of at least $1,000. It provides various benefits, such as discounts on healthcare services, transportation, and entertainment.
  3. Friendly Nations Visa: This visa is available to citizens of selected countries, including South Africa. To qualify, you must establish professional or economic ties to Panama, such as starting a business or getting a job offer from a Panamanian company.
  4. Self Economic Solvency Visa: This visa is suitable for individuals who can demonstrate financial stability. The required investment varies depending on the circumstances but generally ranges from $300,000 to $500,000.
  5. Documentation: In addition to the specific requirements for each visa, applicants will need to submit various documents, including a valid passport, police clearance certificates, health certificates, proof of financial stability, and sometimes a Panamanian sponsor or guarantor.

Living in Panama:

  1. Cost of Living: Panama offers a relatively affordable cost of living compared to many developed countries. While prices can vary depending on the location, overall, expenses for housing, transportation, and groceries are generally reasonable.
  2. Language: The official language in Panama is Spanish. While English is spoken in tourist areas and by some professionals, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of Spanish to navigate everyday life more easily.
  3. Lifestyle and Culture: Panama boasts a diverse cultural scene, with a fusion of indigenous, Spanish, and Afro-Caribbean influences. The country offers a mix of modern amenities and traditional charm, with opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and exploring rainforests.
  4. Healthcare and Education: Panama has a good healthcare system, with both public and private options available. International schools and universities are also present, offering quality education for expat families.
  5. Residency and Citizenship: After living in Panama for a certain period (usually five years), expats may be eligible to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship if they meet the requirements.

It's important to consult with the Panamanian embassy or consulate in South Africa or seek professional assistance to ensure you have the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding immigration requirements and procedures.

Please note that immigration policies can change over time, so it's essential to verify the latest information before making any decisions or plans related to immigration.


If you're from South Africa and considering a fresh start abroad, Panama offers compelling reasons to choose it as your new home:

  1. Easy Residency: South Africans can obtain a Friendly Nations Visa in Panama, a permanent visa typically issued in under six months. You can even reside in Panama while your visa processes and, once approved, obtain a work permit. We can recommend a reliable attorney to assist you through this process. Contact us for more details.
  2. Great Financial Opportunity: Panama boasts a robust economy with numerous multinational companies, including Nestle, Dell, Proctor & Gamble, and Adidas, making it their Latin American hub. For entrepreneurs, Panama presents opportunities akin to America several decades ago—an environment ripe for success with innovative ideas and dedication.
  3. Low Cost of Living: While many South Africans consider destinations like Australia, the UK, or the US, Panama offers a more economical choice. Despite using the US dollar, the actual cost of living is about half that of the US and significantly less than the UK, allowing for a higher quality of life on a smaller budget.
  4. Thriving International Community: Moving to Panama City means joining a vibrant international community. You'll meet expats from diverse backgrounds, including Americans (like the writer of this blog), Europeans, South Americans, and fellow South Africans, fostering a welcoming social environment.
  5. Good Schools: Panama provides a range of educational options, from public to private schools, including numerous international schools catering to various languages, religions, and cultural backgrounds.
  6. Tax Benefits: As a South African citizen and Panama resident, you'll only pay taxes on income earned within Panama. Foreign earned income and interest from Panamanian banks remain tax-free, allowing you to retain more of your earnings.
  7. Affordable Beachfront Real Estate: With nearly 2,490 kilometers of coastline, Panama offers attractive beachfront properties like Casa Bonita, a luxury apartment tower in a resort community near Panama City. Starting at $300,000 USD for 103 m², these apartments provide access to amenities such as the Pearl Club, a private beach club just steps from the Pacific Ocean.
  8. Low Crime Rate: Panama maintains low unemployment and strict drug laws, resulting in one of the lowest crime rates in Latin America, ensuring a safe environment for residents.
  9. Discounts for Pensioners: Retirees receiving a minimum monthly pension of $1,000 (plus $250 per dependent) can qualify for the Pensioner Visa. While this visa doesn't permit work, it offers discounts on various services in Panama, from dining and electricity to local flights and entertainment.

Panama presents a compelling option for South Africans seeking a new beginning, offering not just a change of scenery but a favorable environment for professional, financial, and personal growth.

Friendly Nations Visa Panama

Panama's Self Economic Solvency Visa, allows foreign citizens to obtain Panama’s residency status and to benefit from the country’s tax-free policies.

Business Investor Visa, In order to obtain a Panama Business Investor Visa, foreign investors must invest $160,000 USD in the capital stock of a Panama business.

You must invest a minimum of $80,000 USD in a reforestation project certified by the government, and you will be granted a temporary resident visa for a period of five years.